HOME SWEET HOME is a film about the invisibility of domestic violence.
Director Annika Mayer searches for clues, interviews her grandmother ROSE about old family Super8 recordings from the 50s and 60s. They show a family in the time of the German “Economic Miracle”: a fancy house with a garden in a small German town, a vacation at the North Sea, a Sunday trip to the National Garden Show. These are images that have inscribed themselves in the collective memory of the Federal Republic; it is a social expectation that is captured on film - you record what you want to see.
But behind the facade, memories come up, fragments of a bygone era that still resonates. The film addresses the discrepancy between appearance and reality. Upon closer examination of the material, the doubts that are awakened in the viewers make the invisible visible. Through Rose’s narration, the image of post-war West German family happiness is dismantled piece by piece.
Genre: Documentary
Length: 68min
Script, Direction, Editing: Annika Mayer
Director of Photography, Creative Producer: Jakob Krese
Sound-Design, Composition, Sound-Mix: Gaston Ibarroule
Color Grading: Arne Büttner
Producers: Annika Mayer, Jakob Krese
World Premiere: Dok Leipzig 2023 (German Competition)
Further festivals (selection): Trieste Film Festival, Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival, Achtung Berlin (Best Mid-length Film), UnArchive, DMZ Intern. Documentary Film Festival (Special Mention), Sofia Documental (Special Mention), Moldox, Corsica.Doc, Memorimage, This Human World Vienna, Cinema Social Niece, Terraviva Film Festival
Awards: German Film Award for Best Mid-Length Film, Special Mention International Competition DMZ, Special Mention Sofia Documental, Best Mid-Length Film Achtung Berlin